The Training Choir is an audition and preparatory class whose graduates
are eligible to join the Burlington Boys Choir.
Classes are held on Fridays and last three months. There are two terms per year:
October through December
March through May.
Auditions are the first two classes of each session.
Classes meet from 4:30 to 5:15 pm at:
Shiloh Presbyterian Church
2638 Grand Oaks Boulevard
Burlington, NC 27215
Cost is $10 per week.
Rehearses Monday and Wednesday from 4:15 to 5:30pm at
Shiloh Presbyterian Church
2638 Grand Oaks Boulevard, Burlington.
Each rehearsal is a learning opportunity for the boys. They learn and practice singing skills--posture, breathing, tone and range, diction, and performing in a choir. Additionally, the boys use Voice for Life, a multi-level study guide, to learn music fundamentals, including notes, keys, scales, rhythm, and other aspects of music theory.